Cutting Boards
At Tech Woods USA we started playing with making cutting boards. Normally we only manufacture wooden gun stock blanks to send to companies like Browning, Winchester and more. I got to thinking one day that it would be a good idea for our company to get involved with the community a little more, so we invited a group of kiddos from the local Ronan Boys & Girls Club to take a tour of our facility and to try their hands at making cutting boards for Mother's Day. This was a great experience for all involved. They even took the cutting boards back to the club and did some laser engraving on them. As I was looking at the left over pieces I thought why not make some more cutting boards and see what that would turn into. Let me say that was a different experience. I started to look at many different kinds that are manufactured or that people were making themselves. With this I just kinda went my own way and did what was fun to me. I jumped right in and started with making what I wanted. I ended up with a handled one, a simple one and a ladder one. These were cool but I wanted to be more creative.
The wood we manufacture is thermally modified to a point where it pretty much doesn't absorb water, because of this making cutting boards and serving trays is an awesome idea. I went further and made a wavy checkerboard, and a 3D effect board. I also tried to make a large piece that I broke.... So, I turned that one into almost my favorite piece. I decided to make a Montana shape board. This one turned out pretty neat. Anyway I hope to make more in the future, let me know if there are any requests. Check them out on the webpage.